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WORK DAY Saturday, February 5, 2022

Planned activities include, by priority:

  • Girl’s bathhouse: install new ceiling and door, make repairs to toilets as needed, general carpentry repairs, clean countertops/lavatory area (new door and lumber will be onsite)

  • Soffit and gable repairs to cabins as needed (materials onsite). One window (purchased) to be reinstalled in girl’s cabin 6.

  • Make fence repairs at pool (new fencing will be onsite)

  • Run underground water line (~50’ Pex) to supply boy’s bath-house and cabin 1. Reconnect sewer line.

  • Repair concrete walkway from tabernacle to girl’s side (concrete has been purchased)

  • Complete demo and begin repairs on workshop/tractor-shed

  • Hand-rake and smooth walk areas at each cabin entrance

·    This list is not all-inclusive. We can find work for all who come!

Earlier Event: October 23
Work Day
Later Event: February 26
2022 Winter Board Meeting