Christian Youth Encampment, Inc.

2023 Summer Corporation Meeting

22 July 2023 Bayou Jacque Church of Christ


The meeting was called to order by President Duane Jolibois at 9:07AM. Opening prayer was led by Greg Trahan,


Roll Call




Bayou Jacque

Denham Springs

Cypress Creek



Pine Prairie

Oakgrove        via proxy to Don McGee




Big Creek

Hayden Grove



Cypress Creek


Due to lack of participation for an extended time, a motion was made by Duane and seconded by David to remove Abbeville and Big Creek from the official CYE roll until such time as those congregations wish to be reinstated.  Motion passed.  Quorum achieved.


Visitors/congregational representatives:

Neil Speyer

Bryan and Sarah McGee

Tim Carter

Gary Carroway

Travis McGee

Ben Guillory

Chad Guillory

Todd Meche

Jacob Roberts

Allie Dupont

Traci Broussard


Reading of Minutes

 The minutes of the Summer 2022 Corporation Meeting were read.  Motion to accept minutes as read was made by Heath and seconded by Brock.  Motion passed.


Financial Report

 January – June



Donations and Revenue                                          $                               42,843.21



Admin                       $         11,103.84

Maintenance              $           9,758.39

Operations                 $         12,784.00

Utilities                     $           6,904.06


Total                                                                      $                                (40,550.00)


                                                                             $                                   2,292.92


 A detailed ledger will be provided to anyone wishing to see the exact income and expense numbers. Contact Justin for the information.

 The motion was made by Jamie and seconded by Greg to accept the financial report.  Motion passed. 


Director Reports


Jr. Week (Justin and Heath)

Present were 30 staff, 20 workers and 30 campers.  The central theme was “God Loves as Redeemer”.  Due to a last-minute health issue several people were called upon to handle some teaching and evening speaking duties.  This presented no problem at all.  Income for the week was $2,060.21 which does not include those campers who paid their fees online via Stripe.  The Broyles scholarship fund provided fees for five campers.


Jr. Hi Week (Jacob and Brock)

Registered campers: 31

No injuries.

One parent did get in touch with Directors and President on Sunday, July 2-4 to voice concerns with supposed bullying between boy campers.  Upon investigation it was determined that the child was not seriously threatened.  Directors noted the need to have counselors more closely monitor cabin activities.


Total income: $4593.01

Total expenses: $3639.67

Return to CYE: $953.34


Sr Week (Tim and Terrell)

Speakers for the week were:  Mike Abbott, Terrell Guillory, Tim Carter. Jacob Roberts and Aaron Trahan.  The theme was “Uncomfortable – the awkward but essential challenge of Christianity”.  Each day’s class challenged campers with a different topic.  They also had “selah” time where they were required to spend 30 minutes alone with prepared texts and commentary to reflect upon and to journal their thoughts.

Registered campers:  33; 17 male and 15 female

Staff: 45

18 young children, mostly children of staff

 There were no injuries or illnesses.

 Total income: $6958.25 including $1450.00 in private donations.

 Total expenses: $5655.66 (including kitchen costs, paper goods, 3 new A/Cs, printer ink, as well as start-up cash.  Returned to CYE:  $1302.59.

 Fees for three campers were paid for from CYE funds.


Unfinished Business

           •          A caretaker has not yet been found.  On-going work is being handled by various ones.  This is an inconvenience due to the distances involved.

           •          More certified lifeguards are needed.


New Business

           •          Duane presented an explanation of Royal Family Kids and how that CYE has an opportunity to become more involved in this good work.  A motion was not needed in this regard, but the entire board was supportive of looking further into this opportunity.  Specifically, by having individuals and member congregations provide the funds to sponsor this week of camp for these very special kids.

           •          New shop:  Robert’s Building provided an estimate of $14,000 for a 16’x38’ shop.

 Motion was made by Terrell to accept this bid.  Seconded by Tim.  Motion passed unanimously.

            •          Staff training:  in order to become compliant with insurance regulations Duane moved to establish a training program for CYE staff.  Jacob seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

           •          Pool:  the pool is presenting a big problem regarding repairs.  Further investigation will give us a good idea of how much this will cost.  Additionally, a new and sufficient commercial fence must be installed.  By the February the board must have a new pool agreement in place for those renters who wish to use the pool.


Election of Board Members

           •          Terms for Greg Trahan, Terrell Guillory and Don McGee expire today.  Don does not wish to remain on the board.

           •          Terrell was nominated by Duane to another board term.  Jamie with a second from Don moved to close the nominations. Motion to close nominations passed.  Terrell was elected by acclimation.

           •          Greg was nominated by Terrell to another board term.  Travis moved to close the nominations with a second from Jamie.  Motion passed.  Greg was elected.

           •          Bryan McGee was nominated by Don.  David moved to close the nominations with a second from Heath.  Motion passed.  Bryan was elected.


Election of Officers

           •          Duane was nominated by Justin to remain as President.  Brock, with a second from Travis moved that the nominations be closed.  Motion passed.  Duane was elected as President.

           •          Terrell was nominated by Duane to remain as Vice President.  Greg was second from Travis moved that the nominations be closed.  Motion passed.  Terrell was elected as Vice president.

           •          Duane nominated Bryan as Secretary.  Jamie, with second from Terrell, moved to close nominations.  Motion passed.  Bryan was elected Secretary.

           •          Duane nominated Justin as Treasurer.  Terrell, with second from Travis, moved that the nominations be closed.  Motion passed.  Justin was reelected as Treasurer.

           •          Don, in speaking to the Board, offered words for consideration as he concluded his term.  These included but were not limited to avoiding the entrusting of CYE to men whose experience in such matters was limited, an admonition seen in scripture. This is especially important in light of those changing family, cultural and social norms that, though obviously very harmful to the purpose and work of our Lord yet are growing in careless acceptance by Christians. 



A motion to adjourn was made by David and seconded by Heath.  With no discussion the motion was passed.  Time was 12:13PM.