On this and the following pages you will find any information relating to CYE Board of Directors , Board Meetings and Corporation Meetings. Information will be updated and replaced as needed.


Board Members & Camp Week Directors

 In line with our agreement at the August 2021 Corporation meeting, the following protocol will be followed for All Staff Members of CYE sponsored weeks/ weekends of camp. ALL staff members are to be vetted to help ensure against sexual predator incidents at camp. Vetting is to include Directors, Teachers, Counselors, Workers, Cook and/or any non-camper that might have access to the children.

 In order to  ensure the safety of our young people, each camp week director is responsible for developing a list of staff members and vetting through the National Sex Offender Public Website, prior to the camp sessions. The website can be found by copying the attached link and pasting to the address bar on your internet browser.

 To vet your staff;

  1. Make a list of ALL staff members

  2. Open the National Sex Offender Public Website ( )

  3. Enter each staff member’s name in the “search by name” field

  4. Print results by clicking “Print View” on the results page

 A list of all vetted Staff Members should be included in the Director’s Report, given at the July Corporation Meeting.

 Please contact me with any questions or concerns.


Duane Jolibois, President

Christian Youth Encampment Inc.

To designate a Proxy for your member church to attend the Corporation / Board meeting, fill out and submit this form.

CYE Proxy Form