We plan to meet at the camp at 07:00 AM to work on the following items:
• Boy’s Cabin 3: Replace (1) rafter and repair (1) damage roof panel (material is onsite)
• Boy’s Bathhouse: Cut sheeting and install on gable end (materials onsite)
Also repair/replace plastic soffit
• Girl’s Cabin 6: install (1) aluminum window (I will try to have window onsite)
Soffit and gable needs work
• Girl’s bathhouse: replace door (if ordered door has arrived) / take out portion of existing ceiling; install insulation and replace plywood ceiling / begin cleanup of interior surfaces
• Cut several trees that have died over last few months
Begin demo of east end of old shop (a large metal dumpster will be onsite)
NOTE: Girl’s Cabins 1 & 4 have wall damage. We have secured someone to make these repairs, but the underground work has hindered the progress. Our hope is that the wall repairs will be completed soon after all the trenching is filled. Also, Girl’s Cabin 3 had to be demolished down to the slab. We’ll plan, if the Lord wills, to rebuild it in the Spring.
The facilities are really starting to shape up, but there is much to do in order to be ready for our 2022 Camping Season, should the Lord tarry.
Please make every effort to participate, if you can! And please… please continue to pray for the CYE ministry!
Please bring water, nail guns, carpentry tools, ladders, or any other work tools that you might think to bring to accomplish the listed tasks. We’ll make arrangements to buy sandwich fixins for lunch!