2021 Summer Corporation Meeting
Christian Youth Encampment
2021 Summer Corporation Meeting
Bayou Jacque Church of Christ
14 August 2021
President Duane Jolibois called the corporation meeting to order at 9:13AM. Justin Simmons led the opening prayer.
I. Roll Call
Abbeville not present; no proxy
Amite Don McGee
Bayou Jacque Brock Dupont
Big Creek not present; proxy to Don McGee
Cypress Creek not present; proxy to Justin Simmons
Denham Springs Duane Jolibois; Terrell Guillory
Glenmora Justin Simmons
Hayden Grove not present; proxy to Don McGee
Jennings Greg Trahan; Aaron Trahan
LeCompte not present; no proxy
Oak Grove not present; no proxy
Oakdale not present; no proxy
Pine Prairie Charles Whittington; Norman Fontenot
Shiloh not present; proxy to Don McGee
Turkey Creek not present; proxy to Greg Trahan
II. Reading of Minutes
Minutes of the 2020 Corporation meeting were read without correction. Motion to accept was made by Greg Trahan; seconded by Terrell Guillory. Motion passed.
III. Reports from Directors
There were no reports from directors in that there were no camp weeks in the summer of 2021.
IV. Financial Report
A leger sheet was submitted to the corporation by the Treasurer.
For Quarters 1 & 2 of 2021 income:
church donations: $26,310
private donations: $16,259
total income: $42,569
For Quarters 1 &2 of 2021 expenses:
utilities: $6,624.30
maintenance: $10,181.65
administration: $1,620.70
total expenses: $18,426.65
As of 13 August 2021 the checking balance was $81,117.12; the savings balance was $23,539.35; the Broyles Fund was $850.84.
Several things were emphasized about the financial report. This is only for 2021, January – June and does not include funds donated and spent from the time of the two storms of 2020 until 31 December 2020. Of equal importance for the corporation to understand is that a lot of money was spent in July and August, 2021, that much more material must be purchased including an additional 1000’ of electrical wiring and associated large boxes, roofing material for both bathhouses, ceiling material including insulation, the entire fence for the pool, changing the pool wiring and pump, at least five 16 yard truck loads of red clay, etc.
Erosion from the storms and cumulative rains has cut five gullies in the valley that are too large for tractors to negotiate. The sand that has been washed into the valley has made the valley bottom akin to quicksand.
Our present balance of $81,426.65 will not be sufficient to meet the above needs. Several contractors have helped with certain costs and that is greatly appreciated. But, as you understand, they must charge CYE for the labor.
We know our God is faithful and that He will bring this repair/rebuild to a conclusion to His glory and the blessing of our youth.
Motion to accept the financial report was made by Terrell Guillory with a second from Charles Whittington. Motion passed.
V. Unfinished Business
1) Protocols for camp workers will be published prior to the 2022 winter board meeting.
2) Establishing wi-fi during the 2020 season was not successful. Perhaps by 2022 the necessary technology will be widespread enough to be available.
3) The following congregations have been officially removed from the CYE Corporation: Pine Grove, New Orleans, Eastern Hills and Alexandria.
4) Handicap access for cabins, bathhouses and pool are being included in the repair/rebuild effort.
5) Progress with the CYE video was halted in 2020 and has made no further progress.
6) Boys side is now basically functional electrically except for cabin 4 and the bathhouse.
7) CYE’s old tractor must have immediate maintenance including a new starter and wiring.
8) Girls side: building of one new cabin, wall repair on another and 3 cabins mush have new roofs.
9) Several trees must be removed that are threatening some cabins and the west end of the mess hall. This will require the work of an insured arborist with proper equipment, and it cannot wait any longer.
10) The mess hall deck must be replaced.
11) Erosion at the pool will be repaired when the pool is repaired.
12) Several of our member congregations continue to neglect their responsibilities regarding involvement in the business of the camp. This makes it very difficult at times to even have a quorum present in order to call a meeting to order.
VI. New Business
1) Workdays: These are urgent!! At the next two workdays several things must be done:
28 August: three roofs must be repaired; 6 people are needed for each roof repair
11 September: roofs, electrical work; the biggest roof job will be the boys bathhouse
VII. Election of Directors
1) The terms of Duane Jolibois, Justin Simmons and Tommy Gough expire today.
2) Terrell Guillory nominated Duane with a second from Greg Trahan
-there were no further nominations
-motion passed
3) Duane nominated Justin Simmons with a second from Heath Chatman.
-there were no further nominations
-motion passed
4) Duane nominated Brock Dupont with a second from Justin
-Heath nominated Bryan McGee with a second from Terrell
-after ballots were handed out and counted Brock Dupont was elected
VIII. Election of Officers
1) Justin nominated Duane to remain as President
-Charles moved to close the nominations with a second from Brock; motion passed
-Duane was appointed as president by acclamation
2) Duane nominated Terrell to remain as VP
-Greg moved to close the nominations with a second from Justin; motion passed
-Terrell was appointed as VP by acclamation
3) Brock nominated Don to remain as Secretary
-Heath moved to close the nominations with a second from Terrell; motion passed
-Don was appointed as Secretary by acclimation
4) Charles nominated Justin to remain as Treasurer
-Greg moved to close the nominations with a second from Duane; motion passed
-Justin was appointed as Treasurer by acclimation
IX. Adjournment
1) motion was made by Justin and seconded by Brock to adjourn; motion passed
2) Corporation meeting adjourned at 11:13AM
3) closing prayer led by Charles Whittington