2022 Summer Board of Directors Meeting

23 July 2022

CYE, DeRidder, LA

President Duane Jolibois called the meeting to order at 11:56AM. Heath Chatman led the opening prayer.

I. Roll Call


  • Duane Jolibois

  • Terrell Guillory

  • Greg Trahan

  • Jamie Roberts

  • Don McGee

  • Heath Chatman

  • Absent:

  • Brock Dupont

  • David Broussard

  • Justin Simmons


  • Jerry Jones

  • Jacob Roberts

II. Reading of Minutes

  • Minutes of the 2022 Winter Board meeting were read.

  • Duane Jolibois moved to accept the minutes as read. Seconded by Terrell Guillory. Motion passed.

III. Old Business

  • There was no old business.

IV. New Business

  • 2023 Camp Weeks, Corporation meeting, retreat scheduling.

  • Jr. Week 11-16 June 2023 Heath Chatman and Justin Simmons

  • Jr. Hi Week 25-30 June 2023 Jacob Roberts and Brock Dupont

  • Sr. Week 16-21 July 2023 Terrell Guillory and Tim Carter

The 2023 Corporation/Board of directors meeting will not be held at CYE. For reasons of convenience it will be held 22 July 2023 at the Bayou Jacque Church of Christ beginning at 9:00AM.

The 2022 Jr./Jr. Hi Fall Retreat will be held on 21-23 October 2022 at CYE. Age group will be 8-14 years old.

It will be sponsored by the LeCompte Church of Christ and will be directed by Jacob Roberts.

Details regarding the 2022 Senior Fall Retreat will be announced at a later date.

The Mid Winter Board of Directors Meeting will be held at the Denham Springs Church of Christ on Saturday, 26 February 2023 at 9:00AM.

V. Adjournment

There being no further business Duane, with a second from Terrell, moved to adjourn. Motion passed.

Terrell led the closing prayer. Time was 12:25PM.


2022 Winter Board Meeting Minutes


26 FEBRUARY 2022


The meeting was called to order at 9:29AM by board president Duane Jolibois.  Justin Simmons led the opening prayer.


I.                ROLL CALL


Present were:

  • Duane Jolibois

  • Justin Simmons

  • Don McGee

  • Jamie Roberts

  • Terrell Guillory

  • David Broussard

  • Heath Chatman

 Absent were:

  • Greg Trahan

  • Brock Dupont

 Guests were:

  • Mark and Carla Bundy

  • Kenneth Tate

  • Roy Platt

  • Cleve Simon

  • Mike Abbott

 II.             Reading of Minutes

Minutes of the 2021 Winter Board Meeting were read.  Motion was made by Heath Chatman and seconded by Justin Simmons to accept the minutes as read.  Motion passed.

 Minutes of the 2021 Summer Board Meeting were read for familiarization.

 III.           Financial Report

 The financial report was presented by Justin Simmons, treasurer.  There were no camp sessions or rental activity in 2021, thus the only income was from congregational and individual donations.


Congregations                        $          41,620.00

Individuals                              $          43,644.00

Total                                                                           $          85,264.00



Administrative Expenses

Harland Checks                      $          (25.45)

GuideOne Insurance               $          (4,805.75)

K&K Insurance Group           $          (392.94)

Don McGee (reimbursement) $          (378.11)

Total                                                                           $          (5,602.25)


Maintenance Expenses

Butler Tree Service                $         (4,000.00)

T & T Tree Service                $          (1,980.00)

Stines’                                     $          (3,291.31)

Duane Jolibois (reimb)          $          (34,729.43)*

John Bolen                              $          (615.72)

Dobson Electric                      $          (10,779.66)

Don McGee (reimb)               $          (85.86)

Total                                                                           $          (55,481.98)



Beauregard Electric Co-op     $          (4,175.32)

Waste Management                $          (6,916.91)

Water Works Dist #3             $          (1,182.85).31)

Leon’s Propane                       $          (65.00)

Total                                                                           $          (12,340.08)

Total Expenses                                                                                               $            (73,424.31)


Summary                                $          85,262.00

                                                $          (73,424.31)

                                                $          11,839.69


*Duane Jolibois had to be at camp in order to meet contractors and to inspect work performed.  At times contractors needed to be paid when their work was completed.  All contractor invoices are in the hands of the treasurer and are available for review.


Motion was made by David Broussard and seconded by Jamie Roberts to accept the financial report.  Motion passed.


IV.           Old Business

There was no old business.


V.              New Business

1)     Justin Simmons presented the lesson program for Jr. Week and Jacob Roberts presented the lesson program for Jr. High Week.  The presentation for Sr. Week lessons was not yet finished.

2)     A list of projects that must be completed before camp can begin was discussed.

-work trim-out for girls cabins (soffits, eaves, one window, prepare for paint, set up bunks)

-complete ceiling in boys/girls bathhouses and trim-out

-clean cabinets and walls in girls bathhouse

-install new doors in girls bathhouse

-complete pavilion in valley

-complete wiring in tabernacle

-complete trim-out of boys cabins

-run 100’ of water line to boys bathhouse and reconnect sewer line

-clean pool (pick up dry trash and pressure wash)

-reinstall pool fence

-repair concrete sidewalk from tabernacle to girls side

-form and pour concrete pad at electrical panel at girls side


It was pointed out that camp is scheduled to begin just 90 days after the March 12th workday.  There will be at least two workdays each month until then.  Perhaps our people can attend one or the other.


There is a pressing need for volunteers to be present on workdays.  Further, volunteers are invited to go on any day that is convenient for them.  It was emphasized that no special skills are needed in order to clean all those things that need to be cleaned, to carry mattresses and bed frames, to clean out and restock the pantry.  Don’t worry about having to do specialized work because licensed contractors are being paid to perform repairs and rebuilds that must meet building codes.


Special thanks were expressed for those who have given so much of themselves in the last 18 months or so in a heart-felt effort to honor our Lord and to present something of great spiritual value to theirs and others children and grandchildren.


VI.           Adjournment

Motion was made by Terrell Guillory and seconded by Justin Simmons to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed.  Time was 11:52AM.