This workday will focus on demo of damaged structure and general cleanup of the grounds and
remaining buildings
Three cabins need roof demo
Both bathhouses need roof demo
Ceilings in both bathhouses must be taken out
Fencing at pool area
Pressure washing of concrete area
Cleanup of dining area / undamaged cabins / tabernacle / sidewalks
Lunch will be provided. (Val McGee will coordinate)
Tools that will be needed: ladders, work lights, leaf blowers, chainsaws, pole saws, chains & rope, generators, battery operated power tools (drills, screw guns, reciprocating saws), hammers, prybars, bolt cutters, etc.
Everyone is invited to this workday. It will be a great opportunity to come together for this great work of the Lord! If you would like more information, feel free to call Duane Jolibois (225) 270-0508, or Terrell Guillory (225) 362-8766.