Sometimes, just the typical page can't answer all the frequently asked questions that arise about CYE, so we hope to give you some of those answers here. Always feel free to email us here with any questions or comments.
What do I need to pack?
Each camper needs to come packed with bedding (blanket, sheet, pillow, sleeping bag, etc). The cabins are air conditioned
Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, shampoo, etc.)
Bug Spray
Is there a nurse on staff?
Typically each week has a staff member designated as the nurse. He/she will handle medicine distribution and first aid. This person may or may not be a health care professional.
Each week, cooks work early in the morning to late in the evening on preparing meals for the camp. They provide three meals a day for each week.
Is there a store or canteen?
Yes. Each week, there is a store where campers can purchase snacks. The prices vary by the week, but you should send your child with some extra money in case they want to indulge their sweet tooth during break time.
Is the pool safe?
The pool is very safe. There is a diving board, but with the proper precautions, it is perfectly safe. No campers are allowed down at the pool area without a lifeguard or staff member. Each week, a lifeguard is at the pool at all swim times.
Are cell phones and other electronics allowed?
Yes...and no.
Each week operates differently. The use of electronics that can be disruptive are discouraged at CYE. Cell phones are allowed at most weeks, but it is left up to the discretion of the director. There is a camp phone in case of emergencies and most of the staff always have their cell phones on hand.