Christian Youth Encampment, Inc.

2024 Summer Corporation Meeting

20 July 2024 Ingallwood Park


The meeting was called to order by President Duane Jolibois at 09:00 AM. Opening prayer was led by Greg Trahan

Roll Call


Amite                          Dane Mixon and Proxy

Bayou Jacque              Bryan McGee and Heath Chatman

Denham Springs         Terrell Guillory and Duane Jolibois

Cypress Creek             Weldon Hebert and Proxy

Jennings                      Greg Trahan and Proxy

LeCompte                   Jacob Roberts and Proxy

Turkey Creek              Jamie Roberts and Robert Smith

Pine Prairie                 Danny Hebert and Proxy

Oakgrove                    via Proxy to Duane Jolibois

Hayden Grove             via Proxy to Duane Jolibois

Glenmora                    Justin Simmons and Gus Fuller

Oakdale                       via Proxy to David Broussard






Ariel Roberts

Ben Myers

Marley Myers

Tanya Chatman

Travis McGee


Reading of Minutes

            •           The minutes of the Summer 2023 Corporation Meeting were read.  Motion to accept minutes as read was made by Greg Trahan and seconded by Weldon Hebert.  Motion passed.

            •           The minutes of the 2024 Mid-Winter Board of Directors Meeting were read for informational purposes.


Financial Report


January – June


Donations and Revenue                                              $55,031.23



Admin                                                                         $10,633.80

Maintenance                                                               $33,666.57

Operations                                                                  $10820.52

Utilities                                                                       $9187.29


Total                                                                            $(43040.58)




            •           A detailed ledger will be provided to anyone wishing to see the exact income and expense numbers. Contact Justin for the information.

            •           The motion was made by Terrell Guillory and seconded by Jamie Roberts to accept the financial report as given.  Motion passed. 


Director Reports


Jr. Week (Justin and Heath)

The central theme was “God Loves as Provider”. Lower number of workers, possibly from worker “fee.” We had 33 campers and 10 teen workers in addition to adult staff that served as teachers, counselors, and cooks.  Duane taught the workers, while Justin, Carla, Cindy, Tara, Marly, and Kristen taught the campers.  Speakers were Justin (2x as David was unable to make it due to Mrs. Nan’s hospitalization), Drew, and Ben.  $4,897.33 was deposited, which does not include online payments made by Stripe.  $600 was also transferred from the Broyles Scholarship Fund to cover the cost of three campers’ fees. 


Jr. Hi Week (Jacob and Brock)

Registered campers: 20 (10 boys and 10 girls)

There was (1) baptism: Isaac Davis

There were no injuries

Total income: $4570.06

Total expenses: $3673.19

Return to CYE: $894.87


Sr Week (Terrell)

Speakers for the week were:  Mike Abbott, Terrell Guillory, Tim Carter. Jacob Roberts and Aaron Trahan.  The theme was “Uncomfortable – the awkward but essential challenge of Christianity”.  Each day’s class challenged campers with a different topic.  They also had “selah” time where they were required to spend 30 minutes alone with prepared texts and commentary to reflect upon and to journal their thoughts.

Registered campers:  41; 22 boys and 19 girls (1 fee paid by camp funds)

            •           Staff: 36

            •           9 young children, mostly children of staff

            •           Total of 86, not including visitors

            •           There was (1) baptism: Hattie Huguet

            •           There was (1) injury: Iva Chatman suffered dislocated kneecap while playing ping pong

            •           Total income: $8008.50 including private donations and canteen.

            •           Total expenses: $3,424.80 (does not include CYE debit card charges), as well as $500.00 start-up cash.  Returned to CYE:  $4,683.70.


Unfinished Business

            •           A caretaker has not yet been found.  On-going work is being handled by various ones.  This is an inconvenience due to the distances involved.

            •           Several of the member churches volunteered to take charge of grass mowing and checking on the camp for the Spring/Summer months of the 2025 year. There was an agreement that responsible churches will have grass mowed weekly and check on general conditions of the camp during these months. This will serve to spread the work among a larger group of members.

            •           April/Glenmora Church/Justin Simmons will be the contact person.  

            •           May/LeCompte Church/Jacob Roberts will be the contact person. 

            •           June/Bayou Jacque/David Broussard will be the contact person. 

            •           July/Pine Prairie/Danny Hebert will be the contact person.  

            •           August/Denham Springs/Duane Jolibois will be the contact person. 

            •           September/Turkey Creek/Ariel Roberts will be the contact person.

            •           More certified lifeguards are still needed.


New Business

            •           Duane presented an explanation of Royal Family Kids and how that CYE has an opportunity to become more involved in this good work.  Four members of our CYE member churches took part in the 2024 camp week. The entire board was supportive of looking further into this opportunity.  Specifically, by having individuals and member congregations provide the funds, along with volunteers to assist in this week of camp for these very special kids.

             •           There was a lot of discussion on how to promote attendance at camp weeks. Ben Guillory is working on a video presentation to promote the camp ministry. It will be shared with member churches and other groups as well.

            •           Justin mentioned that we need to be adaptable in our approach to draw campers to CYE.

            •           Tanya Chatman proposed visiting home school groups and “cornerstone academy” if there’s one in DeRidder.

            •           Weldon Hebert suggested that we, as individuals, come up with ideas to add activities to have for the kids.

            •           More to come on this matter.

            •           New shop:  The new shop was built prior to this camping season. Power and water supply has yet to be installed.

            •           Staff training: Jacob Roberts suggested that we improve staff training to use an online training program. Jacob will bring details of this training method to the Board prior to the 2025 camping season.

            •           Pool:  It’s become apparent that the pool needs to be replastered. The Denham Springs Church is working on a fundraising activity to help provide the money for this.

            •           A new pool fence was erected prior to the camping season. Volunteers from Forrest Park Church in Crowley built a new pump shed to replace the one demolished by the hurricane.


 Election of Board Members

            •           Terms for Duane Jolibois, Justin Simmons and Brock Dupont expire today. 

            •           Duane was nominated by Justin to another board term.  Jamie moved to close the nominations. Motion to close nominations passed.  Duane was elected to serve for three years.

            •           Justin was nominated by Terrell to another board term.  Brock seconded. Jamie moved to close the nominations.   Motion passed.  Justin was elected.

            •           Brock was nominated by David Broussard.  Mike Abbott was nominated by Bryan McGee.  Motion to close nominations passed.

            •           After a vote, Mike Abbott was elected to serve for three years.

Election of Officers

            •           Duane Jolibois was nominated by Jacob Roberts to remain as President.  Terrell Guillory, with a second from Travis McGee moved that the nominations be closed.  Motion passed.  Duane was elected as President.

            •           Terrell Guillory was nominated by Duane Jolibois to remain as Vice President. Jacob Roberts moved that the nominations be closed with a second from Greg Trahan. Motion passed.  Terrell was elected as Vice president.

            •           Duane Jolibois nominated Bryan McGee as Secretary with a second from Heath Chatman.  Dane Mixon, with second from Heath, moved to close nominations.  Motion passed.  Bryan was elected as Secretary.

            •           Duane Jolibois nominated Justin Simmons as Treasurer.  David Broussard, with a second from Jamie Roberts, moved that the nominations be closed.  Motion passed.  Justin was reelected as Treasurer.


            •           A motion to adjourn was made by Justin Simmons and seconded by Dane Mixon.  Motion passed.  Jamie Roberts led the closing prayer. Meeting adjourned at 12:13 PM.