2021 Summer Board of Directors Meeting


Summer Board of Directors Meeting

Bayou Jacque Church of Christ

14 August 2021


President Duane Jolibois called the meeting to order at 11:16AM.  Duane led the opening prayer.

 I.  Roll Call


  • Duane Jolibois

  • Terrell Guillory

  • Justin Simmons

  • Don McGee

  • Brock Dupont

  • Heath Chatman

  • Greg Trahan


  • David Broussard

  • Jamie Roberts


  • Aaron Trahan

  • Valerie McGee

 II.  Reading of Minutes

  1. Minutes of the 2021 Winter Board Meeting were read

  2. Motion was made by Duane to accept the minutes as read and was seconded by Brock

  3. Motion passed

 III.  Financial Report

  1. The financial report from the Corporation Meeting was presented.

  2. Motion by Heath to accept the report was seconded by Terrell

  3. Motion passed

 IV.  New Business

 2022 Camp Weeks and Retreats


  • Jr. Wk.                        June 12-17                   Heath Chatman/ Justin Simmons

  • Jr. Hi Wk                    June 26-July 1             Brock Dupont/Jake Roberts

  • Sr Wk                          July 17-22                   Terrell Guillory/Tim Carter

  • Fall Retreat                 tbd                               LeCompte

  • Spring Retreat 2023    tbd                               Denham Springs

  • Adult Wk                    tbd                               Bayou Jacque

  • Mid Winter Brd Mtng                                     26 February 2022, Denham Springs

V.  Adjournment

  1. A motion to adjourn was made by Greg and seconded by Heath; motion passed

  2. Meeting adjourned at 11:36AM

  3. Terrell led the closing prayer